
Polly’s team on THE OTHER SIDE come through to aid you in different ways, all with the common mission to align you with your Highest Self and life purpose.


Lets meet our #team members on THE OTHER SIDE


#team: The unseen powerful force that connects all of life.

It is all inclusive and beyond all religion and dogma.

You may choose to call it:

Love resonates at the highest possible frequency. Love expressed unconditionally, has no motives. It simply is. Think of a parent's love for their new born child. It is and will always be pure with no limits. 

Universal Source Energy resonates at the highest possible frequency of energy. According to the Universal Law of Vibration, everything in the Universe consists of energy or light in motion that vibrates at a certain speed. Everything is energy in motion. Things that appear solid vibrate at a lower frequency. 

The omnipotent energy of which we are all apart. Think of a vast ocean, on the shore waves roll in, break, and become one with the sea. We are like waves in the ocean. A wave does not exist separate from the ocean. A wave is the ocean. We originate from The Heart of The Universe. Our journey here on Earth is to remember that we are born whole and complete. Everything we need is already within us.

The pure light frequency is the highest form of unconditional love. It comes through as pure white light surrounding you with grace. It supports you on all levels and in all ways. It helps to clear you, your space, your house, and your energy field.


If you have a name for this energy source that resonates better with you, awesome! It is beyond name and form and is all encompassing. 


#team: Ascended Masters

Ascended masters are liberated beings who were once in human form. They guide us through the ascension process, because they have done it themselves. 

Buddha, Jesus, Quan Yin, and Warrior Rainbow Woman are the primary Ascended Masters in Polly’s THE OTHER SIDE team.  Clients have brought in Mother Mary, Babaji, Saint John the Baptist, Mary Magdalene, and Isis.


Buddha comes through to help align you with your Highest Self through your body. He sits in solid, grounded, confident, peaceful, equanimity, smiling in non judgemental compassion. His energy is wise, grounded, and neutral. He helps clear your mind, and purify your body. He will encourage you to focus on your breath, anchor you into your body, and connect you with the absolute truth of who you are. He will encourage and support you in physical practices that support your growth: such as meditation, yoga, Thai Chi, Qi Gong, and a high vibe diet.

Quan Yin is the mother of mercy and compassion. She is here to assist you in seeing both sides of a situation. She helps you shift to a new perspective, one of compassion, for yourself and others. She heals mental and physical dis-ease, and holds a feminine, peaceful presence. She is calm, nurturing, and lets you know that everything will and is ok. She holds you in the supreme safety of her womb with tender compassion. She is always here for you.

Jesus’ grace makes the impossible, possible. Jesus works miracles and heals you with humble dignity. He stands, glowing with an unconditionally loving presence, and radiates white light. He moves mountains to assist you in connecting with your highest self.

Rainbow warrior woman is a Native American medicine woman. She has unshakable determination and strength. She is here to ground you to the Earth, and transform dark energies into light. She expels wayward spirits, lower frequency energy, and entities that are not serving you.


#team: Gods/Goddesses


Gods and Goddesses are omnipotent, benevolent cosmic beings, helpful in aiding us to align with our highest selves. 

Polly’s tribe on THE OTHER SIDE have Hindu origins. Her strong connection and primary home is in India.  You may have connections to Greek Gods, Celtic Gods, Egyptian Gods, or others.


Shiva is the masculine powerful destroyer of all that you are ready to let go of. Shiva comes in when you are ready to release the past. He specializes in toxic relationships. Shiva transmutes the poison of the past and turns it into liquid gold. Your past challenges become your present gifts.

Shiva also infuses you with his unshakable power. He sits cross legged at the source of the Ganges, in the Himalayas, wearing a cobra snake around his neck and holding a trident. He comes through when you need inner and outer strength, when you need to step out of your comfort zone, and when you are ready for completion.

Ganesha is Shiva’s son, the half-boy half-elephant remover of obstacles. He comes through to help you dissolve blockages and challenges. He also may provide you with challenges and obstacles to help you advance and complete the lessons you are here to learn. He guides you in seeing clearly your current situation, what it is here to teach you, and how to complete it. He aids in dissolving resistance, gaining clarity, and helping you to see the bigger picture. 

Kali is a female warrior Goddess. She cuts off the heads of those that stand in the way of you connecting with your Highest Self. She comes through when you need help standing up for yourself, and help speaking your truth. Kali is no nonsense and will get you to stand on your own two feet. She will teach you how to support yourself and use your voice with confident power. She has momentum and force that helps you to move forward. Nothing stands in her way. She is unstoppable and will give you the courage, strength and power to live at your full potential.

Laxmi is the graceful Goddess of wealth, prosperity, and abundance. She confidently sits on a pink lotus flower as unlimited gold coins pour out of her palms. She comes through for you when you need help in dissolving unserving beliefs and patterns around money. She fills you with energy of endless abundance, and overflowing prosperity.


#team: Angels

Angels are celestial beings of light that radiate unconditional love. They are also strong protectors, and can be called upon to keep you safe. They aid in healing, transformation, raising your frequency, opening psychic channels, and forgiveness. 

The ArchAngels that come through the most frequently in Polly’s team are:


Archangel Michael is the archangel of strength, courage, protection, safety, and security. He  carries a sword made of golden light, that he uses to cut chords with people who are no longer healthy for you. He comes through to aid in releasing these relationships and will help you call back in your energy from these people, rinsing, clearing and cleansing it for you first. He will also help you to release all energies belonging to others that you may still be carrying. Michael helps to clear you, and your space, and he protects your energy field. Call on Michael when you feel unsafe. He stands at your door like a bouncer deflecting all lower frequencies, keeping you safe, shielded and protected. If you see flashes of royal blue color light it is Michael.

Gabriel comes through to help open psychic pathways, connecting you to THE OTHER SIDE and Higher Self Guidance. Gabriel’s energy is inspiring, motivational, and creative. Gabriel's guidance is especially helpful in understanding your life purpose, opening your channeling abilities and helping you to bridge to The OTHER SIDE. Gabriel comes through as white flashes of light.


ArchAngel Raphael is the angel of healing and is associated with the color green. When you see flashes of green light you know he is around. He helps along with Micheal to help clear you and your space from lower vibrational energies. He is the one to call on to guide you through any journey, inner or outer. He will aid in raising your vibration, and help bring in a feeling of wholeness.

Has a strong connection with Earth and is the angel of transformation. His energy is subtle and will help you to find wise, practical solutions. Call him in when you want help quieting your mind. His color is red/orange.

ArchAngel Zadkiel helps you to grow. His color is purple and he comes in to help strengthen your faith. He helps to transform the shadows into light, and will aid you with forgiveness.


#team: Ancestors

The ancestors are those related to you by blood that have died and also those who have died in the place /country you are living.


Your ancestors include family members that have died that you have a blood relation with. They may include your father, grandmother, great great great great grandfather, great uncle, aunt, mother, etc. 

They are on THE OTHER SIDE waiting and willing to help you as soon as you ask. They are most helpful in aiding you in life situations, especially if they had a knack for it themselves while living. For example if your great uncle was a novelist you may call on him to help you finish your first novel. Or if your grandmother was a seamstress, we call her in to help you in your fashion design project, or if your father was a banker, we call him in to help you with your finances. They are always happy to help. If you have had past animosity with any of them in life, they are almost always willing to let go of any quarrel or disagreements. Their top priority is unconditional love and forgiveness. Guilt, remorse, and unfinished business can be cleared and transformed. They want you to know they love you dearly and are always there to help. Just ASK! 

Honoring and respecting the local ancestors will open the door for them to help and protect you. They aid you in feeling connected to the place you are in, and will help you to feel more welcomed in a new location. They will open doors for you that otherwise may remain closed. They create a peaceful environment for you to live in, aligning you with the energies of the place and the land.


#team: Spirit Guides

Spirit guides are your friends that have died, influential and inspiring people who have died, your unborn children, your children who have died, and your siblings that have died.


Spirit Guides are here to help with everyday guidance, and are especially helpful in crux life moments. For example, call on them before a big performance to help calm your nerves. Or if you are riding a motorcycle and your friend on THE OTHER SIDE was a great rider call him in to help you drive. If you are giving a big presentation call in a speaker you admired to boost your confidence. They are here to give you Earthly help in upleveling, and give you courage to do things that feel scary. If you take the first step they will help you go the rest of the way. 


#team: Spirit Animals

Animal spirits come through to help you gain and strengthen qualities in yourself, especially those that help you merge with your Highest Self.


Spiders come through it is there to help you embrace your creativity, and be more open and receptive. Owls come through to strengthen our wisdom and insight. They can also signal a transition. Peacocks are very auspicious and signify wealth, abundance and prosperity. Snakes come through when we need to shed old skin and step into the new. Birds bring you a higher perspective allowing you to see the bigger picture. They also help you to fly beyond that which you may feel capable of. Dolphins bring you playful, childlike joy. Sharks deliver confidence and uplevelling. They are no nonsense and kick start you into fulfilling your highest potential. Turtles help you to find shelter and slow down. They assist you to retract your attention inwards. They can help you to feel at home wherever you are. Monkeys are cheeky and mischievous and help you to turn things upside down. They will help you to see a different perspective, and keep you on your toes. 


Polly and THE OTHER SIDE work together with your highest self and your OTHER SIDE team. Your team may differ from Polly’s. You will meet and connect with your guides that are specific to you.