Energy Boundaries for Female Empaths

In our pursuit of personal growth and spiritual connection, we often focus on the tangible aspects of self-improvement—meditation, self-help books, nature walks, and more. However, there's a profound dimension that often goes overlooked but is equally crucial: our energetic well-being. As female empaths women, many of us have faced diverse challenges, from work-related stress to difficult relationships, and we've turned to various self-help avenues to navigate them. But have you ever considered the importance of setting energetic boundaries in your journey towards self-discovery and inner peace?

This blog post explores the significance of energetic boundaries, drawing inspiration from Barbara Ann Brennan's energy work and her book "Hands of Light." It's a reminder that aligning our energies can be a transformative step in our quest for personal growth and spiritual connection.


By Polly Green

In our pursuit of personal growth and spiritual connection, we often focus on the tangible aspects of self-improvement—meditation, self-help books, nature walks, and more. However, there's a profound dimension that often goes overlooked but is equally crucial: our energetic well-being. As empaths, many of us have faced diverse challenges, from work-related stress to difficult relationships, and we've turned to various self-help avenues to navigate them. But have you ever considered the importance of setting energetic boundaries in your journey towards self-discovery and inner peace?

This blog post explores the significance of energetic boundaries, drawing inspiration from Barbara Ann Brennan's energy work and her book "Hands of Light." It's a reminder that aligning our energies can be a transformative step in our quest for personal growth and spiritual connection.

The Energetic Landscape

Before delving into setting energetic boundaries, it's essential to understand the energetic landscape that surrounds us. Barbara Ann Brennan, a renowned energy healer, has spent years exploring the human energy field, shedding light on how it impacts our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. According to her teachings, we all possess an intricate web of energies that extend beyond our physical bodies.

Imagine this energy field as a radiant light, unique to each individual. It carries our emotions, thoughts, and experiences, making it a powerful force in shaping our lives. When our energy is balanced and aligned, we experience harmony, contentment, and a sense of purpose. However, when it's disrupted or drained, we may face emotional turmoil, anxiety, and physical ailments.

The Importance of Energetic Boundaries

Now, let's address why energetic boundaries are essential, especially for those of us navigating the challenges of midlife. As empathetic individuals often dealing with complex relationships and past traumas, we may find ourselves absorbing others' energies and emotions, leaving us feeling drained and disconnected from our true selves.

Setting energetic boundaries is akin to protecting your inner light. It allows you to define the limits of what external energies can affect you, ensuring that you maintain your emotional and spiritual integrity. Without these boundaries, you might find yourself overwhelmed by the emotions and energies of others, leading to emotional exhaustion, self-doubt, and a sense of losing your true identity.

How to Set Energetic Boundaries


The first step in setting energetic boundaries is becoming aware of your energy field. Barbara Ann Brennan's work emphasizes self-awareness as a cornerstone of energy healing. Spend time in self-reflection and meditation to tune into your energy. Pay attention to how certain people or situations affect you energetically.


Grounding techniques, such as visualizing roots extending from your feet into the Earth, can help you stay connected to your own energy and remain centered in challenging situations.

🔸Intention Setting

Before entering potentially draining environments or interactions, set a clear intention to protect your energy. Visualize a boundary—a shimmering, protective cocoon—around your energy field. You may also visualize your energy field surrounded by a mirror. This mirror bounces energy back so that it does not enter your energy field. Another form of energy protection is to visualize a coiled spring of energy around you or a sacred geometrical shape.

🔸 Practice Self-Care

Regular self-care routines, including exercise, yoga, meditation, swimming/being in water, and spending time in nature, help you maintain a healthy energy field. When you prioritize your well-being, you naturally reinforce your energetic boundaries.

🔸 Seek Guidance

Consider working with an energy healer or therapist who specializes in energy work. They can provide valuable insights and techniques tailored to your specific needs.

🌟 Conclusion:

As midlife women, we've weathered life's storms and embarked on our journeys of self-discovery. The quest for personal growth and spiritual connection is a profound one, and it's essential to remember that our energy plays a pivotal role in this process.

Setting energetic boundaries, inspired by Barbara Ann Brennan's work, empowers us to protect our inner light, ensuring that we navigate life's challenges with resilience and grace. By cultivating self-awareness, grounding ourselves, and practicing intention-setting, we can strengthen our energetic boundaries and continue our transformative journey towards self-acceptance and spiritual connection.

Remember, you are worthy of the love, peace, and fulfillment you seek. Embrace the power of your energy, set your boundaries, and watch as your inner light shines brighter than ever before.

Are you a female empath who is struggling with your sensitivity to energy?
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Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy. 

Other Side Channelling Academy is a signature spiritual coaching program that guides awakening female empaths to go from feeling overwhelmed by their sensitivity to energy to feeling confident clearing and alchemizing energy so that they can feel empowered navigating the spirit world.

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Why do I feel guilty setting boundaries? (EMPATHS)

Why do we feel guilty setting boundaries as empaths?

The guilt that accompanies boundary-setting is a universal experience, one that many of us grapple with throughout our lives. However, it's essential to understand that boundaries are not selfish barricades; they are vital for our well-being, growth, and authenticity.

Let's delve into the world of boundaries, exploring why we sometimes feel guilty when establishing them and how to navigate this complex terrain with grace and self-compassion.


By Polly Green

Boundaries define the invisible lines that separate our personal space, needs, and well-being from the demands and expectations of others. Yet, in this intricate tapestry of interactions, why do we often feel guilty when we dare to set boundaries?

As female empaths, we may have a subconscious program of wanting to please people. We may feel like it is selfish to say no. However, it's essential to understand that boundaries are not selfish barricades; they are vital for our well-being, growth, and authenticity.

Let's delve into the world of boundaries, exploring why we sometimes feel guilty when establishing them and how to navigate this complex terrain with grace and self-compassion.

🔸 Reasons for Setting Boundaries:

First and foremost, it's crucial to recognize the compelling reasons behind establishing boundaries. Take a moment to reflect on why you're creating these essential lines of demarcation in your life:

🔸Boosting Self-Worth:

Setting boundaries is an act of self-love. It's a declaration that your needs, feelings, and well-being are valid and worthy of protection.

🔸Reducing Stress and Resentment:

Boundaries serve as a protective shield, guarding you against the overwhelming stress and festering resentment that can result from overcommitting or allowing others to overstep your boundaries.

🔸Strengthening Relationships:

Paradoxically, healthy boundaries can deepen your relationships. They ensure that interactions are founded on mutual respect and understanding, rather than manipulation or exploitation.

🔸Acknowledging Your Needs:

Recognizing and communicating your needs is a sign of self-awareness and emotional intelligence. It's an acknowledgment that you matter.

🔸 Keeping the Peace vs. Your Needs:

One common source of guilt when setting boundaries is the desire to "keep the peace." We're often afraid of disrupting the equilibrium of our relationships or work situations. The prospect of speaking up and challenging the status quo can be daunting.

Moreover, there's a deep-rooted fear of causing conflict or discomfort by asserting our boundaries. We might worry that others will perceive us as confrontational or difficult. This fear can lead to guilt, making us question whether we're doing the right thing by putting our needs first.

🔸 Fear of Hurting Feelings:

Another significant factor contributing to boundary-related guilt is the fear of hurting someone's feelings. None of us want to be the source of discomfort or disappointment for others. We often put their emotional well-being ahead of our own, even if it means sacrificing our own needs and desires.

Additionally, there's a pervasive reluctance to set boundaries out of fear of being disliked or rejected. We may worry that by asserting ourselves, we'll be seen as selfish or unworthy of love and acceptance.

But here's the essential truth to remember: You are not responsible for other people's emotions. It's a powerful and liberating realization. While it's natural for some individuals to resist your boundaries initially, it's crucial to understand that you are taking care of yourself—a practice that's not just okay but necessary for your own growth and well-being.

🌟 Putting Yourself First:

Setting boundaries can be challenging, especially if you've spent a lifetime as a people-pleaser or if self-doubt and insecurity have been constant companions. Past experiences of saying "no" when you felt pressured to say "yes" might still haunt you.

However, consider this: Growth often happens outside of our comfort zones. Setting boundaries is a vital step toward leading a healthier, more balanced life.

It's a journey towards understanding and valuing your own needs, and it's an act of self-compassion.

So, the next time you feel that familiar pang of guilt when setting boundaries, pause and remind yourself of the profound reasons behind your actions. Your boundaries are your declaration of self-worth, your shield against stress and resentment, your path to healthier relationships, and your acknowledgment of your fundamental needs.

Your needs matter, and it's not just okay to put yourself first; it's essential. By honoring your boundaries, you embark on a transformative journey toward self-acceptance and a more authentic, balanced, and joyful life. 🙌

In the end, remember that setting boundaries is not a sign of selfishness—it's an act of self-love, and it's a sacred step towards the fulfillment of your unique journey. 🌟

Embrace the power of your boundaries, and watch as your life transforms into a more authentic, harmonious, and joy-filled existence.

Are you a female empath who is struggling with your sensitivity to energy?

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Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy. 

Other Side Channelling Academy is a signature spiritual coaching program that guides awakening female empaths to go from feeling overwhelmed by their sensitivity to energy to feeling confident clearing and alchemizing energy so that they can feel empowered navigating the spirit world.

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