What Does It Mean To Vibrate at a Higher Frequency

What does it mean to vibrate at a higher frequency? In this video you will learn how to raise your vibration. Experiencing a spiritual awakening and tapping in to spirituality will have an automatic impact on the raise of your vibrational frequency. How to raise your vibration using the law of attraction is the way to raise your frequency everyday. In this video I share my favorite methods that I use on a daily basis to raise my vibration. The secret to vibration, and how to vibrate at a higher frequency is developing a daily routine which encompasses things that automatically help you to raise your vibrational frequency. If you are wondering what is vibrational frequency? How to raise your vibrational frequency, and raise your vibration instantly will be discussed in this video. Signs that you are vibrating at a higher frequency as empaths after a spiritual awakening are certain if you follow the steps suggested in this video. Thanks for watching! -Polly and the other side founder of Other Side Channelling Academy


By Polly Green

Thoughts, feelings and actions all carry a frequency.

At the top of the frequency scale are high vibrational feelings like unconditional love, Joy and gratitude and at the bottom of the scale are feelings like anger, greed, jealousy,and hatred.

These frequencies transmit out of our energy field and when they are high frequency we attract more high frequency energy into our lives.

According to the law of attraction - what we put out is what we get back.

By the end of this post you will know what it means to vibrate at a higher frequency and have a concrete plan to get you to the top of the frequency scale.

Five signs that you are vibrating at a high frequency are:

>>>>The first sign: You are in the creative flow.

>>>>The second sign: You easily connect with the other side.

>>>>>The third sign: You manifest things easily.

>>>>>The fourth sign: You are a clear channel.

>>>>>The fifth sign: You see signs and synchronicity frequently.

5 Tips to help you to vibrate at a higher frequency:

  1. Daily spiritual practice

  2. Gratitude lists and journaling

  3. Spontaneously Dance

  4. Spend time in nature and with animals

  5. Practice random acts of kindness and show compassion for others.

    A daily spiritual routine helps to clear low vibrational frequency energy and to help you to stay high vibe.

Watch these videos to learn more:

Are you a female empath who is struggling with your sensitivity to energy?

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Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy. 

Other Side Channelling Academy is a signature spiritual coaching program that guides awakening female empaths to go from feeling overwhelmed by their sensitivity to energy to feeling confident clearing and alchemizing energy so that they can feel empowered navigating the spirit world.

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3 Simple Ways To Protect Yourself From Spirits

3 simple ways to protect yourself from spirits. Are you open to spirituality and think you might be a psychic medium? Then it is important for you to know spiritual protection. Both negative energy and positive energy exist and when you begin to connect with the spirit world it is crucial that you have a simple way to protect yourself from spirits. As a spiritual medium I connect with spirit guides and those spirits who are on the other side. My first medium experience was scary. I had no rituals or protection protocols and mediumship was something I didn't really want to do. I have since realized that being a medium is my dharma, and that it is simple to remove negative energy. I teach empaths how to trust their intuition, and clear your energy.


By Polly Green

"Tell him I am right here and that I love him,”a woman's voice spoke in my ear. 

The woman was the mother of my boyfriend at the time, who had crossed over to the other side several years prior.

One night as we were about to go to sleep, she entered my body and used it to speak to him.

I was floating on the ceiling watching the whole thing happen from above.

She said to him, "I love you, and I am here."

The event happened thirty years ago, lasted a few minutes and was the first time that a spirit spoke through my body.

It was scary.

Not because she was a dark spirit. She had absolutely pure and beautiful intentions.

But because it happened without my permission.

I am on a mission to help spirit sensitives like myself to overcome their fear of the other side so that they can use their gifts to be of greatest service in this world. 

These three simple ways to protect yourself from spirits will help you to feel safe and empowered while connecting with the other side.

>>>>The first simple way that we can protect ourselves from spirits is to say no. When we command them to leave it is spirit law that they must obey.

>>>>The second simple way is to set a clear intention that we are only connecting with spirits that are in the light, and that everything that happens is for our highest and best good.

>>>>>The third way is to call in ArchAngel Michael or Goddess Kali and ask that they keep us protected. Visualize them surrounding your house and physical space with blue light. 

It is our responsibility to define our boundaries, and voice them. 

Both in the third dimension and in the spirit dimensions.

In my experience over many years of working as a professional spirit medium, I can safely say that the powerful healing, unconditional love, and high frequency energy that comes through from spirits is a true gift and honor to facilitate and teach.

Armed with these simple tools there is nothing to fear, and everything to gain.

Check out these videos to develop your empath super powers:

Are you a female empath who is struggling with your sensitivity to energy?

>>> Schedule a FREE consult to see if we are a good fit to work together inside my online program:

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Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy. 

Other Side Channelling Academy is a signature spiritual coaching program that guides awakening female empaths to go from feeling overwhelmed by their sensitivity to energy to feeling confident clearing and alchemizing energy so that they can feel empowered navigating the spirit world.

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4 Signs You Are Claircognizant | Intuitive Empath

4 signs you are claircognizant intuitive empath. Want to know if you are claircognizant? As an empath you most likely have the superpower of claircognizance or psychic knowing. If you have been through a spiritual awakening it is probable that your psychic abilities are turning on and amplifying. If you are wondering am I an empath? I will be sharing in this video some common empaths signs and giving you empath tools to use in your daily life to turn your ability into your superpowers. Being an empath is a gift. If you are an intuitive empath you are most likely also a claircognizant empath. How to know you are an empath? Psychic empath ability and psychic empath development will help you to harness your psychic powers. If you are a highly intuitive empath sensitive to energy, then trusting your intuition, and overcoming empath challenges is what I am here to help you with. Being an empath is a super power. Thanks for watching! -Polly and the Other Side, Founder of Other Side Channelling Academy


By Polly Green

I was in Bali. It had just gotten dark and I needed to drive my scooter an hour and a half from the beach back to Ubud.

My phone died and I had no GPS.

I had only driven this route 3 times,and there were a lot of turns to make.

So what did I do and how did I make it back?

At every intersection I stopped and asked my intuition, inner guidance, high knowing should I turn right or left.

Every turn I got an answer, I followed it, and it got me back to Ubud.

This my friends is called Claircognizance and it is how I navigated a confusing drive alone in the dark, without a GPS.

And by the end of this post you too will feel confident in your clear knowing.

Here are 4 signs that you may be claircognizant:

Sign 1.

You just know things without knowing how you know.

Sign 2

You are able download information. You are a clear channel. You receive information from the otherside.

Sign 3

People often come to you for advice, and random strangers tell you their life story.

Sign 4 

You are a deep thinker.

The most common obstacles that I see often in my claircognizant clients are that they don't trust the knowing.

They are quick to doubt it and themselves. They think it is their imagination or that they are making it up.

Fear is another common obstacle that pops in for people when they do not know how to navigate the other side or their ability

Dismantling the doubt, and fear, transforming limiting beliefs, daily practice rituals, and clearing low frequency energy that holds us back from trusting our claircognizance is the formula that I suggest. It has worked for me, it is what I teach my clients, and I know it will work for you too!

Are you clairaudient? watch this video next:

Are you a female empath who is struggling with your sensitivity to energy?

Work With Me >>> Schedule a FREE consult to see if we are a good fit to work together inside my online program:





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Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy. 

Other Side Channelling Academy is a signature spiritual coaching program that guides awakening female empaths to go from feeling overwhelmed by their sensitivity to energy to feeling confident clearing and alchemizing energy so that they can feel empowered navigating the spirit world.

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5 Signs of Clairaudience|Hear the Intuitive Voice

5 signs of clairaudience hear the intuitive voice. Clairaudience is otherwise known as clear hearing. It is the psychic ability to hear the unheard. If you are clairaudient you may also have had a recent spiritual awakening. Spirituality and your psychic ability go hand and hand. As we dive into psychic development our psychic hearing may turn on. Or if you are a psychic medium and have been focusing on intuition development you may have heard voices your entire life. The voices may be spiritual and it is important to trust your intuition. Learning how to develop your intuitive voice and how to hear intuition is super important. We are here to share our wisdom as empaths. In this video I will share empath tips and 3 tools for your clairaudient development. Your intuition as a psychic medium is important, and knowing how to become a psychic medium starts here. If you wonder why do I hear voices? The next question to ask is how to hear messages from spirit? Are the voices spirit guides? There are many different kinds of voices, and it is important to start discerning them. Thanks for watching! - Polly and the Other side, Founder of Other Side Channelling Academy


By Polly Green

Do you hear voices,high pitched sounds,music or whispers that are not coming from a physical external source?

If you do then keep reading because by the end of this post you will clearly understand your gift of Clairaudience.

Clairaudience, psychic hearing, is the ability to clearly hear messages from the other side. 

Here are 5 signs that you may be clairaudient:

Sign 1.

You hear voices. You hear someone speaking. The voices may come from inside or outside of your head.

Sign 2

You hear high pitched ringing. That is not coming from a detectable source.

Sign 3 

You hear music when there is not an external device playing it.

Sign 4 

You hear whispers.

Sign 5 

You hear song lyrics.

NO. You are not crazy.

You have a strong connection to the other side.

You are most likely a channel for information and your ability to receive this information comes through your auditory ability.

Similar to how clairvoyants can see the unseen. Clairaudients hear the unheard.

Some tools that I find helpful and that I teach my clients are to start a daily journaling practice and write down what you hear.

Give space and time to honor what you are hearing.

Make it your morning ritual.

First thing in the morning. Write it all down.

Start asking the voices questions.

What are they wanting you to know?

What is the next step they want you to take?

What are they here for?

If the voices do not feel like they have your best interest at heart or feel dark then you can tell them to leave.

It is spirit law that they have to go.

I get woken up at night from time to time by a dark energy that calls my name.

When this happens I turn on the lights get out of bed and do a big energy clearing of my space using sage, palo santo, energy clearing spray or sacred sound using my Tibetan Bowl.

I tell the spirit / energy to leave in a very firm manner, and call in ArchAngel Michael for protection.

to learn more about how to clear low frequency energy watch this video next:

Are you a female empath who is struggling with your sensitivity to energy?

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Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy. 

Other Side Channelling Academy is a signature spiritual coaching program that guides awakening female empaths to go from feeling overwhelmed by their sensitivity to energy to feeling confident clearing and alchemizing energy so that they can feel empowered navigating the spirit world.

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Develop your psychic ability | clairsentience

Develop your psychic ability clairsentience. How to develop the psychic ability of clairsentience is what we will be covering in this video. Clairsentience is psychic feeling. If you are sensitive and an empath you may wonder are you also clairsentient. In this video we will help you develop your psychic ability and help you know how to develop your clairs. I am a psychic medium and learning how to develop psychic abilities is what I teach my clients. Developing psychic powers and psychic abilities will help you to uncover your gifts as a medium. Having psychic superpowers is something we can develop by clearing low frequency energy. Raising our vibration helps us in our journey to learn how to be a medium. How to be a psychic and using our psychic feeling goes hand in hand with our spiritual awakening as an empath. If you are looking for empath tips and want to deepen your spirituality then this video is for you. Thanks for watching! - Polly and the other side, founder of other side channelling academy


By Polly Green

Clairsentience means having a clear feeling or psychic feeling.

It is the ability to feel energy.

If you are clairsentient your strength is in feeling the energy around you and the energy of others.

You may think of it like your whole body is a radar that guides you by sensations.

You know if something is high vibe or low vibe by the feeling in your body.

And what If you feel totally numb?

Numbness comes from shutting down our clairsentience ability as an attempt to protect ourselves from feeling overload.

There are a variety of ways that we can numb ourselves: Eating, drinking, smoking, drugs, exercise, scrolling, and binge watching Netflix to name a few.

My intention here in this post is to help you to get better at feeling, and to trust your clairsentient ability.

Let's dive in to my top 5 ways to develop clairsentience or clear feeling.

  1. Spend time alone and get to know what I like to call your neutral. A great way to do this is to check in and do a quick body scan throughout the day. Ask yourself, how am I feeling now? How am I feeling now? How am I feeling now?

  2. Release stored emotion that is keeping you blocked. To learn how to do this check out this video here.

3. Listen to your body and not your thinking. One of my yoga teachers explained it to me like a horse and a rider. You can think of your body like a horse and your thinking / mind like a rider. The horse already knows how to gallop. It does not need to be whipped by the rider to gallop. Learning how to tune in to the horse and not the rider will make a huge shift in your clairsentient ability.

4. Stop intentionally or unintentionally engaging in numbing behaviors, and instead commit to feeling whatever is coming up for you in the moment. This does not mean we will feel better. It means we will getting better at feeling.

5. Start journaling. Write down how you feel from day to to day. Write down what happened, where you went, who you were with, and how you felt in your daily doings.

Keep track of what happened, and the feelings that went along with where you were or who you interacted with.

Keeping a record will help you to get to know yourself and also will help you to honor your feelings.

Are you a female empath who is struggling with your sensitivity to energy?

Work With Me >>> Schedule a FREE consult to see if we are a good fit to work together inside my online program:


Crash course understanding brain waves DR Joe Dispenza






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Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy. 

Other Side Channelling Academy is a signature spiritual coaching program that guides awakening female empaths to go from feeling overwhelmed by their sensitivity to energy to feeling confident clearing and alchemizing energy so that they can feel empowered navigating the spirit world.

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What is low frequency energy and what to do about it.

What is low frequency energy and what to do about it is what we will cover in this post. What is low frequency energy? What to do about low frequency energy? These are questions that arise as we go through spiritual awakening. Spirituality helps us to know how to raise your vibration and how to raise your frequency. The Law of Attraction tells us that everything is vibration and the rate of this vibration is the frequency. Learning how to attract anything into your life requires that we understand that everything is energy, and everything is frequency and everything is vibration. On the emotional vibrational chart gratitude is the highest vibration along with unconditional love. As empaths having these empath tools to navigate low frequency is super helpful! Thanks for watching! -Polly and The Other SIde Founder of Other Side Channelling Academy

#frequency #spiritualawakening #energy


By Polly Green

Low frequency energy is energy that is vibrating at a slower rate and is what you may think of as "bad vibes."

The feeling of Low frequency energy for me is like toxic poison flowing through my energy system, and usually is triggered by an outside source.

In this post we are going to talk about low frequency energy and what to do about it so that you will have some concrete tools to use when struck by low frequency energy.

I find it helpful to look at life as a mirror. Everything happening outside of us is actually a reflection of what is happening internally. When we take full responsibility for what is reflected back in the mirror it is really empowering, because we can change ourselves and this in turn changes the external reflection.

I read something recently in a book called the Presence Process by Michael Brown that said blaming something outside of ourselves for what is happening internally is like wiping a mirror trying to clean your face.

So whenever something is happening in our external reality that is triggering a low frequency energy it is an opportunity to look internally at what may need adjusting.

Maybe we are confronted with a situation that reflects something we need to address and have been sweeping under the rug. Perhaps we have been justifying something when in fact we know it is not in alignment. The outside reflection gives us the wake up call that it is time to clean up our side of the street and take action in some way.

The next question I like to ask is what is my part and how have I contributed to this?

Maybe I have been not entirely in integrity somewhere in my life and I need to own up to it, and set it right. Once I locate what this is I like to use, Ho'oponopono the Hawaiian forgiveness mantra.

Ho’ oponopono helps us to forgive ourselves for our mistake and to ask forgiveness in all of the areas we have just uncovered that need our side of the street cleared.

It is important when we realize our part in the situation to own it without beating ourselves up.

We are human and humans make mistakes.

We have a chance to set whatever we can right, take responsibility for our part and say I am sorry.

We repeat the Ho'oponopono mantra: I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you as many times as we need to while visualizing the person or situation.

These steps will help us to shift back into a high frequency state. Now it is important to move on and let it go.

We know that it is now cleared on our side. We have done our work and the external reflection will change.

We can shift into the high frequency state of gratitude and thank this trigger for helping us to see a blind spot we needed to deal with in order to get us back into alignment.

Are you a female empath who is struggling with your sensitivity to energy?

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Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy. 

Other Side Channelling Academy is a signature spiritual coaching program that guides awakening female empaths to go from feeling overwhelmed by their sensitivity to energy to feeling confident clearing and alchemizing energy so that they can feel empowered navigating the spirit world.

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How do I navigate the dark night of the soul | spiritual awakening

How do I navigate the dark night of the soul spiritual awakening. The dark night of the soul is a huge part of the spiritual awakening process. In this video we discuss the dark night of the soul, and as empaths how to navigate the stages of the dark night of the soul in the best way possible. We may feel as if we are experiencing spiritual depression as we navigate the dark night of the soul spiritual awakening. In my experience the dark night of the soul happened in stages. The stages of this spiritual depression and how to see the light in the spiritual dark night stages is what helped me. These dark night tips that I share in this video will help to stay spirituality connected while in the dark night of the soul. The spiritual dark night of soul stages as well as how I navigated them are all covered in this video. Thanks for watching! -Polly and the other side, founder of The Otherside Channelling Academy.


By Polly Green

What really helped me navigate when I was in the dark night of the soul was imagining that I was a caterpillar. It felt for me as if I was in a gooey transformation cocoon. It was dark and it felt unknown, and I kept imagining that soon I will break out of here and fly, but right now this process I am in is helping me to transform.

If you are wanting to know how to navigate when you are in the dark night of the soul phase of the spiritual awakening process then this post is for you.

In this video I share my top three dark night of the soul navigation takeaways. These tools helped me and my clients to navigate through the dark night of the soul and come out the other side feeling light and free.

My dark night of the soul was triggered in a stage of my journey when I hit an all time bottom with codependency. Codependency was an addiction that helped me to escape from the deeply repressed emotions that I had been carrying.

I needed help, and asked my guidance team what to do.

These three steps are what helped me to get through the dark night process.

Step number 1 was solitude.

I needed to be alone.

So I did what I needed to do to create as much space for myself as possible.

I stopped seeing clients, I disengaged from people and conversation.

I went off line for long periods of time, and I went into long periods silence.

Step 2 was breathwork.

I knew I needed deeper help on a soul level. I knew that talking and the mind were not the solution. I asked my inner guidance for direction and loud and clear heard the words breath work.

I found teachers, and started my conscious connected breathwork journey.

Conscious connected breathing is done by:

  • Breathing in and out of the mouth with no pause and no gap between the inhale and the exhale. This allows our bodies to release repressed emotion and return to presence.

  • We drop the drama, the story, the victim/victor mentality, and surrender to the felt presence of what is ready to be released from our cellular memory.

  • We lie down and breath. We allow ourselves the space to feel our way through the discomfort and emotions that are being triggered.

  • We feel sensations in our body and allow them to pass through.

  • When we feel triggered instead of trying to numb the feeling or run away from it we lie down and breathe.

  • We welcome it with open arms and give it space to express itself.

  • At times the pain may be really painful and that is ok. We feel it and it passes like a thunderstorm.

    Breath work is the only thing that I have tried that actually works and is long lasting, because it deals with the root cause of the energy.

Step 3 in my navigating the dark night of the soul tool kit is art.

When I was deep in the dark night a voice told me to start drawing mandalas. I had never drawn a mandala before, so I Googled mandalas and became obsessed with drawing them.

Art became my anchor. I went within as I drew and became totally absorbed in the process. I connected with my highest self and my team as I drew. I listened to mantras as I drew. It became a compulsion, and I could not stop drawing.

Art was my savior, my best friend, and my trusted companion through the dark night of the soul.

Solitude, breathwork, and art along with my other spiritual practices were the tools that helped me to navigate the dark night of the soul, spiritual awakening process.

It was intense and indeed it was dark, but I can see now how it is a necessary part of our growth. When we face the dark with courage it loses its power.

When we surrender to the emotion it loses its charge.

When we stop running, numbing, and avoiding and dive in with both feet we come out the other side with the emotional resilience to know we can go through anything.

Emotion is simply energy in motion. Allowing emotion to move through us by conscious connected breathing was for me a life changing process and a gift of the dark night of the soul transformational process.

Are you a female empath who is struggling with your sensitivity to energy?

Are you experiencing the dark night of the soul?

Apply to Work With Me >>> Schedule a FREE consult to see if we are a good fit to work together inside my online program: 





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Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy. 

Other Side Channelling Academy is a signature spiritual coaching program that guides awakening female empaths to go from feeling overwhelmed by their sensitivity to energy to feeling confident clearing and alchemizing energy so that they can feel empowered navigating the spirit world.

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Why connecting with the other side is important|Spiritual Awakening.

Why connecting with the other side is important. If you are new to being a medium and are experiencing a spiritual awakening, your psychic abilities may start to get stronger. Clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, claircognizance are all ways we can connect to our spirit guides. How to connect to spirit guides, and strengthen our spirit guide connection will be covered in this post.


By Polly Green

What happens when we connect with the other side and it just happens? If you are an empath who is just coming into your mediumship gift this post is for you. I know from my own experience that when we have an experience with the other side that just happens it can be a little scary and feels kind of out of control.

In this post I am sharing information on how to best understand what you are hearing and the things you are feeling from the other side.

This video is to support people who are just coming into their mediumship gift, and to tell you why it is important.

What I am about to share has helped me and my clients tap in to their mediumships gifts and make peace, overcome grief, and to also help those on the other side to grow.

My very first mediumship encounter just happened to me and because I didn't know how to control my gifts at the time it was really scary.

What I have learned and what I am here to teach you is that our connection to the other side is really important and here is why:

  1. We can continue our relationships with our loved ones on the other side.

  2. They are here to help us and we can also help them.

  3. The inner work we do has a positive effect on those on the other side.

  4. We can forgive and they can forgive.

  5. They are at a higher frequency and can access clear guidance, that can help us.

  6. They may be able to help us and the world better from the other side, and they really want us to ask them to help.

    If you are new to being a medium and are experiencing a spiritual awakening, your psychic abilities may start to get stronger. Clairvoyance is our other side seeing, clairsentience is our ability to feel the other side, clairaudience is hearing messages from the other side, claircognizance is our knowing from the other side. These are all ways we can connect to our other side team.

Why connecting with the other side is important:

  1. We can pass on important messages to others that may help them to overcome grief, guilt, and unfinished healing.

  2. It can take our current work with our students and clients to the next level.

  3. We can tap in to the higher frequency energy available on the other side, which helps to raise the frequency on this side.

  4. We know that we are never ever alone and can create a whole new relationship with our loved ones on the other side and know that they are here for us now as the highest versions of themselves.

    Are you a female empath who is struggling with your sensitivity to energy?

    Apply to Work With Me >>> Schedule a FREE consult to see if we are a good fit to work together inside my online program: 





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Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy. 

Other Side Channelling Academy is a signature spiritual coaching program that guides awakening female empaths to go from feeling overwhelmed by their sensitivity to energy to feeling confident clearing and alchemizing energy so that they can feel empowered navigating the spirit world.

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